Words From Our Interns Series
By: Shelbie Trompke
National statistics show that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18. In New Hampshire, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 20 men have been sexually assaulted. It can be helpful to understand what survivors go through, as many of us are close to, or know someone who is a survivor of sexual abuse.
After a sexual assault takes place, the survivor has the choice to go to the hospital for treatment, where a medical forensic exam will be offered. An exam is helpful in the diagnoses and treatment of common health problems following a sexual assault, such as injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy. The survivor can refuse any portion of the medical forensic examination and still follow through with other portions of the exam. In addition to the medical exam, if the survivor chooses, any evidence collected can be used in the investigation and prosecution of the crime. When one arrives at the hospital, a confidential HAVEN advocate will arrive shortly thereafter to offer support and discuss options. Keep in mind that having an advocate with you during the exam does NOT mean one has to report the assault, and a survivor may accept or decline HAVEN services at that time.
It’s important to understand as a friend or survivor:
Hospital visits can be nerve-racking, and a trained HAVEN is there to provide confidential emotional support in the moment, and longer term.
Remember: we believe you and you’re not alone.