Housing Assistance
- HOME | HAVEN NH | Ending Violence. Changing Lives.
- Our Services
- Housing Assistance
HAVEN's Housing Programs
HAVEN’s Housing First Program
Leaving an abusive relationship is one of the most difficult decisions our clients face. For many, it means having to decide to stay in an unsafe situation, or leave with nowhere to go. Nobody should have to choose between remaining in an unsafe home and having no home at all.
HAVEN’s Housing First Program addresses two critical needs of survivors: Access to safe, affordable housing and economic resources to maintain safety.
HAVEN recognizes survivors face unique barriers to accessing shelter and affordable housing. Power and control dynamics involved in domestic and sexual violence, such as financial abuse and trauma, make these barriers difficult for survivors. Individualized case management allows HAVEN to navigate these challenges with survivors and work with landlords to ensure housing stability.
Are you a landlord or property manager interested in making a difference? Please view our Landlord Partners page.

HAVEN’s Housing Assistance Programs operate from a domestic violence housing-first framework that emphasizes safety and self-determination. Our programs provide housing advocacy to help survivors and their families establish housing stability and overcome barriers to obtaining long-term housing.
The domestic violence housing-first framework has three central components:
- Survivor-driven, Trauma-informed, and Mobile Advocacy Support
- Community Engagement
- Flexible Financial Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Program
As a member of the NHCADSV, HAVEN has access to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rapid Re-Housing program that supports those fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. The RRH program provides rental assistance and support services to eligible participants maintaining permanent housing. This program serves survivors of violence who qualify though NH Coordinated Entry. If you are homeless and in need of housing, please call 211.
Community Engagement
The availability to secure safe, affordable, and long-term housing can make a critical difference in a survivors’ ability to build independence and improve safety when leaving an abusive partner.
HAVEN housing advocates build lasting connections across Southeastern New Hampshire. Our goal is to engage community members to support survivors’ safety, independence, and housing stability. Ultimately, creating stronger and safer communities in the cities and towns we serve.
HAVEN collaborates with Home for All and Housing Action NH to expand affordable housing in New Hampshire and the Greater Seacoast area.
HAVEN recognizes that addressing survivors’ housing needs requires meaningful, sustained partnerships with community partners, landlords, housing authorities, and local municipalities.
If you are a landlord, community partners, or would like to find out more about how you can partner with us in supporting survivors’ safety, independence, and housing stability please email housing@havennh.org.
If you are seeking housing support, please call our helpline to connect with a confidential advocate. Please call 603-994-SAFE (7233).
For More Information
For more information: info@havennh.org
Development: development@havennh.org
Outreach: outreach@havennh.org
Education: education@havennh.org
Not safe to call or would you like increased privacy and anonymity? HAVEN offers a confidential private chat feature Mondays through Fridays from 9am-4pm. *Weekends and holidays excluded.