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1-603-994-SAFE (7233)
Free and Confidential Support

Main Office

20 International Drive, Suite 300 Portsmouth, NH 03801
Business Line: 1-603-436-4107
In-person advocacy is by appointment only.

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Click "Chat Now" to talk with a confidential advocate Monday- Friday│9 am- 4 pm

Financial Empowerment for Survivors

Financial Empowerment for Survivors: Signs of Abuse and Ways to Get Help By: Maya C and Kris G March 2023 April is Financial Literacy Month in the United States, making this an especially relevant time to discuss the impact of economic and financial abuse on survivors of domestic abuse. Financial abuse is a tactic used by a perpetrator...

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Domestic Abuse, Self-Care, and the Holidays

Domestic Abuse, Self-Care, and the Holidays Holidays can be a joyful time, but for many, it brings a great deal of stress. This time of year, we often focus much of our energy on taking care of other people, and sometimes, we don’t get that energy back. For those who have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, the stresses may be...

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What is the Adult Protective Program?

Ask an Advocate: What is APP? Note for readers, we will discuss the types, definitions, and warning signs of abuse that may potentially be triggering. Most people have heard of CPS – Child Protective Services also known as DCYF (Division of Youth and Families) in New Hampshire. These services are integral to keeping children...

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Not safe to call or would you like increased privacy and anonymity? HAVEN offers a confidential private chat feature Mondays through Fridays from 9am-4pm. *Weekends and holidays excluded.